You know. . . with the typewriters and stuff. It's a metaphor. . . . or maybe an analogy. . . or is it allegory? Regardless, you can be certain there's a whole host of stuff being typed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Urge To Kill Rising!

I currently have like 15 different things that I want to post about, but work has decided to foil any such attempts at being unproductive. In fact, my job has been so efficient about it, I don't even have time to make a post AT HOME! Seriously though, once I get this awfully interesting presentation on extrusion completed (presenting the whole thing tomorrow), I will hopefully have enough time to write something more than complaining about what to write.

Here's a lovely sample of the diagrams I have to create for my presentation:
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Pretty, isn't it?


Blogger Amy said...

Well, it's better than nothing. Why are that dude's fingernails purple? Is that A-Rod?

8:07 AM

Blogger Tim said...

Your poor girlfriend!

1:39 PM


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