You know. . . with the typewriters and stuff. It's a metaphor. . . . or maybe an analogy. . . or is it allegory? Regardless, you can be certain there's a whole host of stuff being typed.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Green Liquid

Let this be a lesson to you all. . . never complain about how bad things are, because they can always get worse. It's now even earlier in the AM, I've had even less sleep, my feet have even bigger blisters, and I have even more reports to write. Guess this is just fate punishing me for wasting time putting an entry in my blog. . . wait a minute, I did it again!

On a side note, while my present predicament primarily precludes (yay alliteration!) the consumption of green brewskis (as in the beverage Ted Kennedy would consume, not Ted the linebacker), I was able to find myself a green beverage with which to celebrate St. Patrick's day. It just so happens that my beverage of choice (especially when trying to stay awake at 3AM) happens to be green: good ol' Mt. Dew.

The "green" of Mt. Dew is of such a fundamentally artificial and bright color that it invokes thoughts of those animals in nature who sport bright and obnoxious colors as a warning that consuming them is dangerous to one's health. It's as if the makers of the product are saying: "This product is dangerous, we strongly recommend you do not consume it," a view even further reinforced by the "Do the Dew" commercials which sport people doing unbelievably dangerous things all while holding said beverage.

Regardless, it is a green beverage. If I cannot damage my liver tonight by consuming vast quantities of alcohol, the least I can do is give myself Diabetes through the consumption of vast quantities of caffiene and sugar. After all, isn't self destructive behavior what St. Patty's day is all about?


Blogger Kristen said...

That and begging for kisses from strangers based on a tenuous connection to Irish heritage. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

8:53 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Also, buying everything green you can see, saying O' in front of everything and eating cabbage. And bagpipes!

2:59 PM


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