You know. . . with the typewriters and stuff. It's a metaphor. . . . or maybe an analogy. . . or is it allegory? Regardless, you can be certain there's a whole host of stuff being typed.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Discussion Topic For The Day

While I have a few minutes to drop a post down. . ..

So today we were discussing some general work related stuff (honest, I swear!) when the topic of a specific coworker of mine came up. Now I refer to said coworker as my arch nemesis, not because I interact with him on a regular basis, or wish him any harm. . . I just hate him with every bone in my body. Succinct version: he's a pretentious jerk who doesn't know anywhere near as much as he thinks he does, but still thinks he knows more than anyone else.

Regardless, upon mentioning my arch nemesis, the discussion quickly turned to questioning what is the plural form of nemesis? Nemesi? Nemeses? People I Hate? (I later looked it up, and it's nemeses, which is nowhere near as much fun as saying nemesi).

In the usual fashion of our conversations here, we went off in another tangent (our convesations meander like a drunken sailor during an earthquake, i.e. they normally fall into the gutter) about whether or not you would even need the plural of nemesis when talking about an Arch Nemesis.

Josh, in a moment of utter geekdom, made the argument that you could have multiple arch nemeses because Batman did. I told him he was a $#%^ing moron because you can't have more than one Arch Nemesis, hence the arch. Besides, everyone knows the Joker was Batman's Arch Nemesis. I swear. . . the people I work with.


Blogger Amy said...

I think you can only have one Arch Nemesis. Mine is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

2:12 PM

Blogger Kristen said...

Mine is Amy. Don't tell her.

8:09 AM

Blogger Will said...

Both a heterosexual life partner, and an arch nemesis? That's a strange dichotomy. Brings new meaning to the old 'friends close, enemies closer' saying.

8:19 AM

Blogger Amy said...

I am too tired to fight any of you. Kristen tried to kill me with PBR. Urrrgh...

12:05 PM

Blogger Kristen said...

You tried to kill yourself with PBR, missy! I introduce you to my friends and you make a scene. What am I going to do with you?

12:07 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Hey, you knew I was coming from a location with free wine. You knew what you were in for.

2:09 PM

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5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't really have an *arch* nemesis, since a nemesis is already your arch enemy. The second (nested) arch is redundant.

However, there may be multiple people, each of whom is someone else's nemesis, all occupying the same room. In this case, it would be reasonable to use the plural which, I understand is nemeses (pronounced nem-ee-seas I believe).

9:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg...I was just asking THE SAME QUESTION!! And when I typed in "Arch Nemesis Plural" into Google I got this. I'm glad that I am not the only one to ask this question and feel like a retard when no one answers it....

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my daughter just called and asked me-I googled and was able to tel her the answer for the plural form of arch nemesis. Cool

9:23 PM

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9:59 AM

Anonymous Rain said...

Adding "Arch" doesn't necessarily imply you can only have one. Like "archangel," of which there are four. You're totally right about the Joker and Batman (duh, that's why we put the Joker in the parody of "Jingle Bells") but I don't hold with the notion that there can only be one arch nemesis. An arch nemesis is an equal but opposing entity, and who's to say there can be only one enemy deserving of the title "arch nemesis" in any given situation?

1:16 PM


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