You know. . . with the typewriters and stuff. It's a metaphor. . . . or maybe an analogy. . . or is it allegory? Regardless, you can be certain there's a whole host of stuff being typed.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm Not Quite Dead Yet

First of all, the obligatory 'I don't update frequently enough, therefore, I suck'.

Now that's out of the way, can we continue?

You ever have one of those days that seems like it is never going to end there is so much crap going on, but then that day turns into a week, and then the week becomes a month? Well I'm on month number two of that. So, a quick synopsis of things:

-Got into a car accident, twice. The second accident happened within one day of getting my car back from the prior accident (neither was my fault). In the entire month of September, I only had my car for 5 days. My poor car is only two months old and I've already had more true accidents in it than I did in six years of owning my Civic.

-Participated in 'The Flattest Century In The East' (which it technically isn't), a bicycle ride of approximately 100 miles. Unfortunately my knee gave out around mile 35, but I tried to ride it out for another 35 miles before deciding that the blinding pain was not in fact going to go away. Kerri, on the other hand, finished the whole ride in pretty good shape.

-Attended a Red Sox game (the game Manny won on a walk off Hit By Pitch)

-Participated in Kerri's Mom's Wedding. Managed to avoid getting drunk despite a strong compulsion to do so on several occasions.

-Traveled to Japan for a business trip for one week. Spent two days in Tokyo (Awesome!) and another two in Tsuchiura (sort of a suburb of Tokyo. . . that's 30-40 miles from Tokyo center). Spent a total of almost three days traveling to and from Japan, staying awake for more than 24 hours while traveling both directions.

-Mad a trip to Canada to visit my parents. It rained almost the entire time we were there, so the majority of the trip was spent inside, reading books. Relaxing, but not the most exciting way to spend one's time. Kerri came as well, and was even more bored than I was.

-Worked this weekend. It was one of the worst weekends I've worked in more than a year, with things pretty much running horribly all weekend long.


-Running (walking?, limping?) a half marathon in North Conway New Hampshire. Hopefully the weather cooperates.

-Theoretically we have the weekend before Halloween free, but I'm getting the distinct feeling that since no one we know is stepping up to the plate to host a party, it will probably be us (which is no big deal. . . Kerri and I have plenty of experience, and lots of left over party favors from parties in the past).

So yeah. . . busy busy. I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but my brain is so addled right now I can't really recall them.

I have some pictures from Japan, and I want to write some things about my car, so yeah. . . maybe I'll actually update some more this week. Stranger things have happened.


Blogger Amy said...

Hopefully I can bust out of the house soon and visit you cats for a while.

9:58 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Yes... I haven't RSVPd because I don't know if I can get out of the house that day, since I'm busting out the Sunday and Monday after. Hopefully I can give you an answer by the end of the week...

8:44 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Yeah! Will and Kerri are teh cool.

11:40 AM


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